Solar Panels


The Combination of half-cell technology, large-size cell, and multi bus bar (MBB) of SunTech solar panel offer higher power output and effectively reduce the system cost per watt. SunTech half-cell module helps to effectively alleviate the hot spot risk in high-power modules. It produces more energy and contains better durability when used in systems. Suntech panels are comes with 15 year product warranty and 25 year performance warranty.







JA Solar Panels are a high-quality solar solution with a competitive price tag. Adding to this value are their incredible 12-year product warranty and 25 year performance warranty. This extensive warranty safeguards your investment and allows customers to rest assured that their panels will be covered.





Jinko Solar was founded in 2006 and grew to become the world’s largest solar panel manufacturer only a decade later in 2016. … Jinko Solar’s success seems to be primarily due to the focus on R&D, performance testing, quality control and rigorous durability testing.